"I'm late, I'm late... for a very important date!"... Been out wayfaring the sea of life as you know. But I'm back and newly docked at my favorite, little harbor. So happy to see you here in this Year of the Rabbit.
So it's upward & onward in full effect you say? I say yes. And don't forget the lusciousness. Cuz that's onboard too.
It's ready to spill compelling content all over your mental pinafores...
So hold onto your napkins!
Get inspired...amused...and enthused.
2011 has all the dress maker markings to be the best yet...

After all, it is the Year of the Rabbit! So let’s spring back into the swing of things........

I’m working on several projects right now and am inspired by so much. In the coming days, I’ll be covering some of my great loves in music, art, literature, design, photography, food and of course - fashion...

As music is our soul, let’s start with...

Makana is from Hawaii. At the heart of it, he’s a slack key guitarist having studied under great masters such as Sonny Chillingworth. But what makes Makana’s music unique...and makes him a growing influence to other artists...is that he draws from an exquisite mix of global inspiration - rock, bluegrass, African, Latin, Celtic, modern and folk traditions.
Vibrant and diverse, Makana is an artist who reflects a serene and conscious spirit....independent music at its best.

I think music has the ability to transform us, draw out our own inner voices and dreams.
It makes the subconscious - conscious...

-- STYLE NOMAD 01/08/11