Sante! Cheers!..the new year brings with it a time of renewal and rebirth - a chance to set forth your sails, fearlessly towards what you define as your best life. In this spirit of change & growth, here are my own personal resolutions...9 for 2009:
1. Write...as much as I can wherever and whenever I can.

2. Yoga...do lots and lots of yoga.

3. Create...continue to work on my line of jewelry & accessories and branch out into painting, clothes, and photography.

4. Healthy...food, make more of it! Cook, eat well, take care of my body so it will take care of me and set up boundaries to make it happen.

5. Balance & Focus...be more disciplined in doing what I want and what feels right to me. Following my bliss. I often put other people and things before me and I need to remember that I can do and give more if I first do right by me.

6. Be Fearless...it's important to be fearless. It's something we loose as we get older and outta college. The ability to see life as full of limitless possibilities. It still is even when you have responsibilities, we just don't always look at things in the right way or open up our hearts & minds to the idea that anything can happen if you open yourself up to the possibility.

7. Heart...I will be great at keeping in touch with people. Better at sending cards, photos, and fun care packages. Loved ones are the most important thing.

8. Inspiration...I will incubate in ink and melodies that inspire me...read books, travel, listen to music, go to concerts and museums. Expand heart & mind horizons.

9. Peace...I will be at peace with myself. Give myself permission to not always have everything figured out or be perfect. If the laundry isn't done and I watch movies in my pajamas on a lazy Sunday morning, I will enjoy it. For every time there is a season and a reason under heaven - love life and LIVE life with full permission to be beautifully, imperfectly human through my own personal evolution, revolution, nouvelle renaissance...Welcome 2009! I am so happy that you're here! - STYLE NOMAD 01/03/08

PHOTO CREDITS: 1. Photo - unknown. 2. Photo - unknown. 3. Photo by STYLE NOMAD of Yoga Hawaii. 4. Photo by STYLE NOMAD of Marie Antoinette Necklace @poifed.com. 5. Photo - by AlchemyOkatu17 @deviantart.com. 6. Photo by she hit pause studio @etsy. 7. Photo -unknown. 8. Photo by Artist Christopher David Ryan. 9. Photo - unknown. 10. Photo - unknown.
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